One of Marja’ Taqlids has recently met a number of officials of the city of Qom, emphasizing the need to pay more attention to the problems of this city by the city managers. He demands that both people and the government account for the city of Qom as a distinct city in Iran, apart from other cities. Such demands have been made before, all displaying a common theme: the clergies’ demand for exclusive privileges for the official institution of religion from the government and the people.
“Circle of Sociology of Shia Studies”, is a group of social scholars and researchers that focus on sociology of religion, especially Shia studies. This circle has been established because of shared perturbation of its members which is lack of sociological approach towards “Tashayo” in Iran. The necessity of such Sociological approach was the initial force for establishing a sociological religious studies circle.
“Sociology of Shia” is one of the Sociology of religion subdivisions. Study of religious representatives instigates from the very first religion that everyone encounters with, which in case of Iran is “Tashayo”. In Addition to “Imamate (Incumbency of an Imam) and Justice”, which is the essential, distinctive and characteristic aspect of “Tashayo”, the key domains of “Sociology of Shia” can be categorized in eight fields follows: ... Continue Here
Bibliography is an essential part of every research. We have established identification of all texts produced in the field of “Sociology of Shia” in Iran available in National Library of Iran, as our focus in “Sociology of Shia Study Circle”. Hundreds of books were identified which were further examined, discussed and sorted based on our criteria and we selected books and texts having social approaches in each of the above domains. ... Continue Here
One of Marja’ Taqlids has recently met a number of officials of the city of Qom, emphasizing the need to pay more attention to the problems of this city by the city managers. He demands that both people and the government account for the city of Qom as a distinct city in Iran, apart from other cities. Such demands have been made before, all displaying a common theme: the clergies’ demand for exclusive privileges for the official institution of religion from the government and the people.
How does Shariati describe Tollab in his works? How does he describe the style of Talabe’s life and the norms of their lifestyle? Forty years after his death and after experiencing a religious Shiite sovereignty, Hawza and Tollab’s lifestyle have gone under serious alterations. Now is the time we ask ourselves how the present is educational and management system of Hawza working in comparison to what Shariati had in mind as the ideal state of lifestyle and educational system for this institution? Has Hawza and Tollab’s lifestyle become closer to what Shariati considered to be desirable or has it gone further away from what he had in mind? Or maybe it is a more complex equation than such a mutual evaluation?
The present work, tries to answer this question, by looking for any signs of secularization in the everyday lives of clergymen in the year 2013—utilizing the descriptive phenomenological approach. To implement this study, data was collected through semi-structured interviews and field observation with clergymen. The participants were seventeen clergymen who were introduced to the researcher by their acquaintances and the results of these communications are presented here on the basis of purposeful sampling and snowball sampling.
Based on a time division, time is divided into two types, ordinary and extraordinary. Celebration time is sort of extraordinary time that everything will be suspended during this type of time. Considering celebration's research literature, constructive elements of the celebration includes issues like suspending order, waste, violation and the collective effervescence. Besides the theoretical literature of celebration, the religious literature of celebration would be mentioned, that have a different look to celebrations and religious festivals ...
The religion intellectual is one of the active intellectual current in the Iran which has been criticized in different ways. One of the critical aspects is how to deal with rituals and religious' practices. Most of these criticisms are general and theoretical without regard to the audiences. The issue of this research is the ritual of audiences and their understandings' and perceptions'. This research was performed with qualitative methods and techniques of observation, interview, study the speech of religious intellectuals and finally analysis of all data content...
Religious celebrations in memory of the holy character of shi`ism are most apparent and most popular in Iran. Two characters are considerable of these celebrations are rowzekhan and maddah. While women are absent among rowzekhan, the figure of the woman maddah is well known in Iran. Her task is to facilitate meetings of religious women in private homes. She is paid according to its fame, the quality of his work and the date of the ceremony. The study of Maddah, who has made religion as her profession, is the subject of this article.
Information shows that there have been noticeable changes in Hawza after the 1979 revolution. The number of Tollab has increased significantly, and by governmental supports there has been a rapid growth in the financial accumulation in Hawza especially in last 8 years, there has also been a grave increase in the social, economic and political roles of clergymen, and some high level posts have been confined to them. These serious abroad social changes could affect the traditional lifestyle of Tollab. The young Tollab’s adherence to traditional asceticism could be one of these affected dimensions.
Hawze Elmie has turned out to be one of the major sources for thinking production in the Middle East. To work and study on social thinking, it is inevitable to ignore the fundamental role of Shiite Hawze Elmie as one of the sources for producing school of thoughts. The hypothesis of the research is to consider production of the respective school of thoughts as social phenomenon which has been affected significantly by other social variables and social facts.
Read more...This study based on the concept of "Latent function" of social action. Using the definition of bureaucratization concept from Max Weber, effort was made to show that recent developments of the Seminary, which are in the form “the Seminary evolution” project, are examples of such a process. Then, the negative consequences of this process were enumerated. And finally, some of the internal resistances of the Seminary against these changes were investigated.
The main goal of this research is to find a “sociological” answer to the question: “what may we know about the lifestyles of young Iranian Shiite Tollab (clerical students in Islamic Shiite schools)?” I attempt to answer this question by posing other questions about the objective aspects of the Tollab’s everyday lives and attitudes.The objective of this research, in its first step, is to deconstruct and breakdown common stereotypes regarding the homogeneity of the lifestyles of young Shiites studying to become clerics.
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